There is a parlour game, of sorts, that goes ‘if you could invite 10 people to a dinner party, alive or dead, who would you invite?’
One of the first people on my list was always Jimmy Carter, though truth be told I always hoped to meet the man, shake his hand and thank him for a list of good deeds too long to even start to list. Then just walk away knowing that I had been in the presence of someone who walked the walk and lived the life he only hoped others would try to live.
I have tears in my eyes, a rarity believe me, thinking of the loss to all of us with his passing. It can be said he lived a long life and due his rest, but it is the image of a nonagenerian in a hard hat wielding a hammer for Habitat for Humanity, not daring us to try that, but rather smiling in the fulfillment of seeing others join him in helping others, that reminds us of how full he made his life, committed to helping others.
Thank you Mr. President.