My Sister in Law, Denise, posted one of those ‘fill in the blanks’ lists on Facebook for people to play along to. But being the S.O.B. that I am, I am not into identity theft spam that is usually how these lists start making the round. Soo instead here is my response to Denise’s list, on my blog, a space I have a wee bit more control of:
- Age backwards: 66 (hehe)
- Favorite Pie: Blackberry
- Steak or Seafood: seafood
- Italian or Chinese: chinese
- Pepsi or Coke: Coke!
- Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
- How many tattoos: 1
- Ever hit a deer: no
- Netflix or Hulu: NetFlix
- Last text from: Lori
- Favorite season: Autumn
- Broken bones: yes
- Beach or Mountains: Beach
- Dogs or cats: DOGS!
- Early morning person: 100%
- Surgeries: yes
- Favorite color: Burnt Orange
- Have you ever flown on a plane: Yes
- Beer or wine: Neither
- Mild or hot salsa: Medium
- Waffles or pancakes: Waffles
- Favorite holiday: Any time I have more than 2 days in a row off!
- Peanut Butter: YES!!!!
Enjoy Denise!