When I was growing up instant hot chocolate was years in the future. With long, damp winters on Vancouver Island, hot steaming mugs of hot chocolate were in constant demand (especially if your parents didn’t allow youngsters coffee!). Making hot chocolate with Fry’s Cocoa may take an extra minute but it is definitely worth the effort and the technique can be learned by even younger children (adult help with the boiling kettle!). And if you are like our family once you have tasted hot chocolate this way, the regular instant ‘stuff’ will taste weak, chemically and gritty with sugar!
REAL Hot Chocolate – What Hot Chocolate should taste like…
- Fry’s Cocoa Powder (Cadbury)
- Granulated Sugar
- Cream or Half & Half
- Hot Water
- Put on the kettle.
- Into a mug spoon 1 – 2 heaping teaspoons of Fry’s Cocoa (1 for a medium sized mug, 2 for a BIG mug – to taste of course).
- Follow with 1 teaspoon of sugar (more if you like the cocoa sweet).
- Mix the two ingredients until the cocoa has crumbled to a fine powder and the sugar granules stick to the powder (about 10 seconds).
- Next add about a tablespoon of cream and mix all together until you have the consistency of thin chocolate frosting. Too much cream and the mix is watery, too little and the mixture will clump.
- When the kettle boils fill cup about half full and mix until all lumps and clods of the chocolate liquor have dissolved.
- Fill the cup with hot water until about 3/8 inch from the top of the cup and add a splash of cream.
- Stir until frothy (about 2 seconds!) and serve piping hot. The amounts expand nicely if you are using a pot to create enough cocoa for a chilly gang this festive season.
To give the cocoa a bit more kick try using half and half hot water and fresh brewed coffee. Liqueurs can be added before the hot water if so desired. Marshmallows may also be added before the hot water but you might want to ease off on the sugar if you do.