Screenshot of the first iteration of 'OsoWrites' - a simple manuscript editor based on a text file database.

I like to write – essays, prose, poems, heck even the act of a simple email or biz note makes me want to wax ‘poetic’ (no pun intended).

As anyone who has set out on the journey of setting down your ideas and thoughts for posterity (aka write) will tell you, there are a slew of options for software for creating your opus. The problem that I have found is that there are basically only three types of manuscript software ‘on the market’:

  • Full featured and pricey – These packages do everything but the actual writing, though I expect soon they will have built in AI to do that job too. The problem is the price – Cha-CHING! – is hard to justify when you are starting out.
  • Full Featured and Open Source / Free – Great price point for sure but usually you need a Masters in Computer Science just to figure out the interface! Or they crash – Ka-BOOM – right in the middle of John saving Deirdre from the fire breathing dragon! Aaaargh…
  • Simple, To The Point and Free – This is the unicorn of manuscript software, enough to keep you organized and yet not in your face or overly complicated. I have been looking for this unicorn for years and have yet to find one that I can work with.

So guess what I am doing?

I am building my own unicorn…

Above is the first iteration of ‘OsoWrites’, a simple manuscript editor that can organize your writing as much as you like and saves everything in simple text files. So far it hasn’t crashed (Windows 11), hasn’t got into my face and has a pretty gentle learning curve.

And the bear is kinda cute…

Let’s see where this goes!


(Quick peek at OsoWrites with 85 of my poems in it plus the OsoBar that includes a number of small utilities to go with OsoWrites)