Life is a duality, creating and destroying as we go forward towards that day when we tease back the curtain and continue our journey to the other side of beyond.

The duality, Deosil and Widdershins, clockwise and counter-clockwise, symbolize this constant state of creating and destroying, the old giving weigh to the creation of the new.

My previous websites – DigitalTwilight and Fortissime – expressed my duality, the art being created and barriers between my life and me being destroyed. Like the recipes in Fortissime we first create new tastes and experiences only to eat them in the end, destroying all traces (especially in my house!) of what we had created in the first place.

So why call this new site Deosil?

Actually Deosil is an old name, long before DT and FF, but in bringing it back I look to create something new, a blend of the two previous sites rather than a duality that kept them apart.

There may be old material from the other sites show up here from time to time but those will be few and far between as I try to create a new direction.

In’sh Allah!